The Association of Centenarian Restaurants and Taverns of Madrid

Spain is a country with a long culinary tradition. Its great culinary and nutritional diversity, as a result of the geography of the country, has made Spanish cuisine one of the most recognized in the world. But tradition has a bearing on its current success. Madrid as a City and a Community has managed to unite Gastronomy and all its Artistic and Cultural fields. Proof of this are the Centenarian Restaurants and Taverns that have accumulated the wisdom and the savoir faire of generations of chefs and that, to this day, collect the best recipes from the past, combining them with innovation and current technology, thus integrating the History and Culture of our Community, merging the ancient and the avant-guarde.

The Association of Centenarian Restaurants and Taverns of Madrid (RCM) brings together twelve renovated establishments with more than 100 years of history and that throughout this period have demonstrated an objective based on management, sacrfice and work, mantaining the traditional values, quality and craftsmanship of tradicional Madrilenian cooking… Not forgetting to mention that many of the historical chapters of the Villa de Madrid have been written within their walls and that thanks to their unique identity, they form the nucleus of the tourist attractions that every visitor who arrives in our city is compelled to discover. They offer even more as a group.

Creation of RCM

The Association of Centenarian Restaurants and Taverns of Madrid (RCM) began in 2008 following the 3rd National Meeting of the Circle of Centenarian Restaurants. In Madrid, a region with numerous century-old establishments, a group of businessmen decided to meet and locate all the proprietors of these institutions that were more than a century old.

Their objective was to share opinions, experiences and everyday manifestations of the history of their premises, gathering together to pass on knowledge about the different periods experienced over the years, the culinary culture according to the economy of the time, the ingredients or antiquities that live on in the memory but can no longer be found now, the celebrities who sat at their tables, and, most important of all, people’s interest in reliving those moments and remembering the flavours of yesteryear, bringing back to life their childhood memories. Thus, the Association of Centenarian Restaurants and Taverns of Madrid (RCM) was born.

The members of this Association, each one with its own individuality, form part of the history of the capital of Spain and make up a portion of the Heritage of the City of Madrid. In these premises, history and culture combine with the pleasure of a good meal. The diner who frequents these establishments will enjoy all the old recipes that never go out of fashion. Become acquainted with the evolution of the City of Madrid through its cuisine, as related by a few friends who claim that the ritual of good eating is still present at our table.